Page Rank is a numerical weight of each element of a hyperlinked set, such as World Wide Web, with purpose of evaluating its relative crucial within a set. It’s a link analysis algorithm used by Google search engine and it is discovered by Larry Page. Numeric weight of any element E is called page rank of E and denoted by PR(E) . It is a trademark of Google and patent is assigned to
We mention various useful techniques to improve page rank and these techniques is suggested by Internet giant Google.
* Useful and Genuine Contain: Create content of user interest and contest must be genuine.
* Submit your site to Various References sites and Web Directories.
* Advertise your site: like add your site to googleguide.com and your webpage must be displayed everywhere like:
Business cards
Press Releases
Fax cover sheets
Email signatures
* Provide RSS
* Write a news later and send to everyone
Oh wow that's cool information!Most internet marketers want to increase their Google Page Rank believing that a higher PR will automatically results in a better ranking for their search terms. In some case it may be true but most of the time it is not.Love your blog!
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