This is the time when all the concept laptop are launched in that series one of the most interesting laptop is launched that is SmartBook mobile computing device that is look very similar laptop but it has a lots of quality than a laptop. This is the future generation concept technology computer that make true your dream to have a unique computer.

This superb device designed by a very famous and talented designer Roland Cernat. he is the winner of many design award all around the world. He also invented some of it's design these all are concept design. This SmartBook is support all type of software that are used commonly in laptops.

The SmartBook has a screen that is the digital writing pad on which one can just scribble with the digital pen and you can write and draw any thing on that screen , this pen is kept under the keyboard. SmartBook has all the multimedia feature that is useful for the laptop, this has a WIFI device and a bluetooth device is also embedded with this laptop.

SmartBook is a mobility computing device that with a multi functional design that allow you to rearrange it's parts according to your need and style. SmartBook has two side monitor and the side that is not in use i can work as monitor or you can use one of it's monitor as keyboard device.

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